You want the pros and cons of it all? the insights to living in the #10 Best Small Town in America??
Here you go:
1) Wal-mart is EVERYWHERE. there isn't much of a choice other than walmart, so if they don't carry what you want you better get used to doing without OR ordering it online.
2) Small town cops who think they are big city cops. we have very little crime in these parts, but the police patrol the land as if they must do everything possible to be the best detectives in the Midwest. oy!
3)we don't have a nordstroms or a Macy's (although we do have banana republic and Dillard's) so you don't get much choice in the higher end spending-- but I do have to say, we are only 2 hours from Branson's outlets stores if that floats your boat. (ALSO, everyone who sells to wal-mart has an office down here and sometimes vendors have sells in the area, just keep your eyes open).
4) When the weather takes a turn for the worse the entire area shuts down and people take up residence in their homes as if there was a nuclear blast and they will die if they leave their home. it's pretty pathetic. but in their defense the street crews do a terrible/half-ass job at clearing the streets to make it safe. instead i think they do their best to make it worse. yeppppppppp!
5) NWA is a DRY COUNTY (you only have to drive up the road to MO to get out of the county and to macadoodles for great alcohol selection or down the road to Washington county to find macadoodles for great alcohol selection)... but you do have to drive. I just wish we had it at the gourmet gas station-- that would be AWESOME!! PS: ask me about the gourmet gas station-- i haven't decided if it's a pro or con, but i do frequent it often and pretty much love it, but still don't know if it's a pro/con!!
6)Meeting people kinda sucks. if you work for a large company like wal-mart you will meet tons of people and probably tons of people your age (NO MATTER WHAT AGE). my mom & dad worked for general mills and i have met quite a few people through their office, all of which are awesome and cool, but sadly because this isn't general mills headquarters they all end up being transferred to MN, leaving me here all alone. boo.... but it's not too bad.
7) There is very little crime in these parts, which is a pro, but the fact that our local news stations and our local newspapers still have to lead with a top story that means things like someone's 7foot tall snowman being knocked down by unknown punks gets to be on the front page of the news paper. makes me a bit ill, not going to lie, but basically any little thing is huge news around these parts and that's either a good thing or a bad thing.... PS: I'm still waiting for someone to interview my Riley about how he saved an entire neighborhood from car thief's. just saying!!
8) if you like winter sports (skiing, sledding, skating, etc) you will be lost around here. if you like summer sports like.... oh good grief, there isn't much to do besides golf, hunt and hike, so good luck.
9)very rarely will you ever get a professional sporting event or an awesome concert to see, however, wal-mart does do shareholders meetings with free concerts (including daughtry, which made my week!!) and people like Pujols come to visit. it's pretty neat, but you still won't get to see the Cardinals play, here, in Arkansas.
10)You will see lots of people with very little teeth, terrible fashion-sense and questionable hygiene... just keep walking!!
1) Small town aspects, like rush hour traffic means still maintaining 60MPH on the highway. I live at exit 83 and I rarely ever have to leave exits 81-85 to find EVERYTHING I NEED-- it's all just here!
2) Everything is here because it was all JUST BUILT so it's all fairly new and still pretty (as long as you stay on this side of town-- the OLD downtown is kind of rundown, but they are trying...)
3) If there is something you sometimes look forward to participating in (IE: Concerts, Sporting Events, etc) we are only 5 hrs from three major BIG Cities (Dallas, Memphis and St Louis).
4) Our airport gets MANY flights in during the week, due to walmart corp travel, but it's such a tiny little airport that you rarely have to worry about rushing thru security to get to your flight-- we have 5 gates or something ridiculously small. (remember, i grew up in MN where the airport was the size of two moderately sized towns)...
5) If your family/friends want to come visit and need a hotel all hotel prices go DOWN on the weekends, due to walmart corp travel. And we have so many hotels it's almost ridiculous!
6) Meeting people. If you want to meet Christians (& by Christians I mean overly vocal Baptist who attempt to make you feel bad about your lack of their faith and persuade you to be more like them) you can join one of FIVE THOUSAND Christian groups-- gag me, but maybe it's your cup of tea.
7) Most of the people who live here aren't FROM here and that is great, because they understand when you tell them you miss home and that you miss nordstroms or Macy's... they get it, you're not alone.
8) The weather is fairly nice most of the year, minus the 110 degree summer for 6weeks straight and the 2 weeks it snows here so the entire area shuts down-- except for walmart. But honestly it's fairly nice.
9) Everyone in Rogers lives in a gated-community, or atleast that is what it seems like... and they all shop at high-end boutiques... except for maybe a couple who can't afford it or choose not to pretend like they can afford it, but basically, what I'm saying is, they aren't ALL TRASHY, HILLBILLY-LIKE, NASTY HUMANS, although there are a few of those around here too.
10) pretty good Mexican food, almost anywhere you look. if you like that authentic hole-in-the-wall kinda of place, or the TeX-Mex or the .... well, we have it all, including little kiosk-type trailers where Mexican cook & sell their food on the streets. Yep, this is a pro.
11) If you don't mind not getting to see Professional Athletes and maybe even prefer college or minor league then this is the place for you... not so much me, but you. We have the Naturals, which i think is a KC Royals organization. We have the Univ of Ark Razorbacks-- which I can't seem to get completely sucked into, but it is growing on me, not sure how i feel about it, i always thought I'd be ANTI-everything Arkansas. but I do like the fact that I am somewhere that people are that passionate about their hometown team (HELLO!!! have we met?!!? I am a die-hard Cards fan and miss my Cardinals Nation!!) =)
12) this place offers the college-liberal a place to hang out and the weird, love-the-outdoorsy people a place too... if you want to hunt, hike, fish, whatever there's a place for you. if you prefer being closed-minded and self-absorbed whilst sipping coffee and playing on your computer there is a place for you. ;-) I love you all. (I just choose to hide out in my apartment though, as to avoid most of you!)
13) People are polite down here, sometimes almost too polite. But that's just the city-girl in me coming out. I prefer dark clothes, and shopping undisturbed, but around here people are so cheery and "ma'am" you all day long. Sometimes it grows on you, other times the city-girl in me takes off running and vents about the overly nice, southern accent speaking, creepy little people on facebook and blogs!
14) There is a wal-mart located on every corner in this place. they are all super centers and open 24hrs, so you can get anything you want, whenever you want... enjoy.
15) I'm here. if i can survive this place anyone can... and if you're in town or visiting this lovely little place we call NWA please be sure to tell me, i would love to show you around and get you drunk in a dry county! ;-)
There is so much I could tell you about Arkansas, but I will offend someone, I'm sure. The point is it's NOT that bad. you will definitely miss things that only your hometown can give you, but just remember you can visit home, get your fill and head back to a fairly quiet, pretty nice area of the world, or atleast of the southern mid-west. ;-)
THE BEST PART IS, IF YOU MOVE HERE I HAVE THE BEST REAL ESTATE AGENT FOR YOU... I'm a little biased, he is my daddy, but he truly is the best and he does great work with anyone who is transferring here. he understands it all!! =)
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
toothbrushing misadventures
Sitting in the waiting room at the dentist you would think things would be calm & fairly quiet. All i hear is the sound of the gentle fountain, the relaxing music and I see the Today show on-- no sound. Then this woman walks in, plops down right next to me (even though there are other places to sit) and then suddenly, out of no where says (in a VERY LOUD, UNRELAXING VOLUME) DO NOT wear dark colors then brush your teeth-- it sprays everywhere!! I looked at her, gave her a look of "what the f lady, shut your face" ... it's a common look I give, then turn away. the lady on the other side of the waiting room, who obviously wasn't as turned off by the woman's volume or hideiousness as I was replies with "i think that always happens when you're in a rush." ok, i can agree with that, because it never fails when you're trying to run out the door and you hurry to brush your teeth and you drop the toothbrush or something-- it's always a mess-- or you can't get your contacts in or you can't get a certain part of your hair to cooperate-- i mean it's murphy's law, it was always be an issue if you don't have time to deal with it. BUT then the two of them proceed to continue in conversation that I do not really know how they go there from toothbrush issues....
The lady says I was going to brush my teeth, then put my shirt on, but then I would have messed up my hair (dude, your hair looks terrible anyway!!) then lady 2 replies with my daughter was at a sleepover last night, because we have parent/teacher conferences today, and i told her she could spend the night, but i would have to pick her up at 9am, because we had an appt at 10am, so she couldn't argue, we would have to go. but it worked out because the girl who's house she was staying at was getting her long, beautiful hair cut for locks of love, so everyone was leaving early this morning..." lady 1 replies with "locks of love, how sweet" then a voice from the heavens, a sweet voice, softly says "Julie?".... OH THANK YOU SWEET JESUS, I'VE BEEN RESCUED!! I grab my purse and I walk as fast as possible to the door to rooms where I will be subjected to teeth cleanings and xrays.... THANK GOD!
I don't know what struck me as more bizzarre, the lady who can't seem to do the simple task of brushing her teeth, or the lady who somehow made a toothbrushing conversation about locks of love and preteen sleepovers?!?!
PS: i have a cavity and must go back for a filling in November.... ohhhh the day gets better & better, doesn't it?! Oh well, I may have a cavity, but atleast I know how to brush my teeth, Lord only knows what happened with that lady's teeth and her fugly hair.
The lady says I was going to brush my teeth, then put my shirt on, but then I would have messed up my hair (dude, your hair looks terrible anyway!!) then lady 2 replies with my daughter was at a sleepover last night, because we have parent/teacher conferences today, and i told her she could spend the night, but i would have to pick her up at 9am, because we had an appt at 10am, so she couldn't argue, we would have to go. but it worked out because the girl who's house she was staying at was getting her long, beautiful hair cut for locks of love, so everyone was leaving early this morning..." lady 1 replies with "locks of love, how sweet" then a voice from the heavens, a sweet voice, softly says "Julie?".... OH THANK YOU SWEET JESUS, I'VE BEEN RESCUED!! I grab my purse and I walk as fast as possible to the door to rooms where I will be subjected to teeth cleanings and xrays.... THANK GOD!
I don't know what struck me as more bizzarre, the lady who can't seem to do the simple task of brushing her teeth, or the lady who somehow made a toothbrushing conversation about locks of love and preteen sleepovers?!?!
PS: i have a cavity and must go back for a filling in November.... ohhhh the day gets better & better, doesn't it?! Oh well, I may have a cavity, but atleast I know how to brush my teeth, Lord only knows what happened with that lady's teeth and her fugly hair.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Last Chance Harvey...
How can you not love Dustin Hoffman & Emma Thompson. This was a loveable, enjoyable movie. Was it the best movie ever made? No, but it was very good, nonetheless, and it's definitely one of those movies that if it's on tv I will watch it... even if I've seen it twelve times. You know what I mean??? More movies like this please... less Julie & Julia crap. =)
Julie & Julia
Ok. I made the mistake of posting about how I was watching Julie & Julia, for the first time, and how I didn't really approve of the movie. I found the movie to be full of whining and annoyingness. Yes, that's a word, I checked. Well my fb post was hit with many responses, mostly by people telling me I would love it, it would make me want to write/cook, that I'll get past the annoyingness and love the movie. Guess what folks, I sat through it, and quite frankly I wanted to punch every single person who told me to soldier through the movie because I would eventually love it. I will never watch that movie again. It was TERRIBLE.
Yes Kathleen, I LOVE TO COOK/BAKE. just so you know. I am very good at it too. I just choose not to do it because I don't like NOT having a big kitchen where I can spread out and make a giant mess and I always have to clean up after myself. My boyfriend informed me that if I cooked, he would clean up for me. Well, his idea of cleaning up and mine aren't really the same and he would rather let the dishes 'soak' all night and clean up ONCE A WEEK! ahhhhhhhhhh!!! dishes need to be rinsed and put in the dishwasher after dinner and the pots/pans should be cleaned THAT NIGHT. 1) i don't have enough pots/pans to use a different one every night and 2) you can't leave cooked on crap sitting all night long. So, no i don't cook often, because even though the boyfriend offers to clean up...... I still end up cleaning up. YUCK.
Yes Kathleen, I LOVE TO COOK/BAKE. just so you know. I am very good at it too. I just choose not to do it because I don't like NOT having a big kitchen where I can spread out and make a giant mess and I always have to clean up after myself. My boyfriend informed me that if I cooked, he would clean up for me. Well, his idea of cleaning up and mine aren't really the same and he would rather let the dishes 'soak' all night and clean up ONCE A WEEK! ahhhhhhhhhh!!! dishes need to be rinsed and put in the dishwasher after dinner and the pots/pans should be cleaned THAT NIGHT. 1) i don't have enough pots/pans to use a different one every night and 2) you can't leave cooked on crap sitting all night long. So, no i don't cook often, because even though the boyfriend offers to clean up...... I still end up cleaning up. YUCK.
Saturday, August 7, 2010
today we count our blessings..
Things I am thankful for:
1) my parents. Amazing people who do things, little things, that they don't realize how much they are appreciated for it. Perhaps i should say thank you more often. they are always there for me and i pretty much couldn't live without them.
2) my friends, thank GOD there are TOO many to list, but i'll just tell you a few of them that i am thankful for: Jess. She makes me laugh and she shares her most wonderful side of herself with me-- even if her most wonderful side wipes my kisses off his 3yo face!! I love that parker, i may never know why! -- Vanessa. Oh Vdub! My bestfriend who has stood by my side for so long. she listens when i need to vent, she lets me cry and she makes me laugh. we share the most memories together because she has been my bff for so long! more than TEN YEARS!! -- Joey! my bins! we share the most things in common and we totally get each other! that is what makes life so easy, knowing there is someone out there who totally gets you!! =)
3) All the things i thought were the worst moments in my life that turned out to be for the best! Leaving St Louis broke my heart, leaving all my friends behind, moving "home" to a place I'd never lived before, with no friends... i met Melissa. my ONE friend, and because of that i was blessed by another true friendship that i will cherish forever. Losing jobs and being burned out by "childcare" was depressing and emotionally-exhausting, but because of those jobs and the search for a new job I was blessed by another job opportunity that brought me to Ryan. I am blessed with his friendship, because he is an amazing person and is good to me. He makes me laugh and he even appreciates my spoiled-rotten, totally whiney side! =)
4) My Gram. i know she had no idea how much i loved her, how much i looked up to her, how much i aspire to be her. but she was the exact person God needed her to be while she was here on Earth, and I know this because her love has made me feel so blessed everyday of my life. I miss her daily!
..... i am blessed so much in my life, so much to be thankful for, and for that I thank God!
1) my parents. Amazing people who do things, little things, that they don't realize how much they are appreciated for it. Perhaps i should say thank you more often. they are always there for me and i pretty much couldn't live without them.
2) my friends, thank GOD there are TOO many to list, but i'll just tell you a few of them that i am thankful for: Jess. She makes me laugh and she shares her most wonderful side of herself with me-- even if her most wonderful side wipes my kisses off his 3yo face!! I love that parker, i may never know why! -- Vanessa. Oh Vdub! My bestfriend who has stood by my side for so long. she listens when i need to vent, she lets me cry and she makes me laugh. we share the most memories together because she has been my bff for so long! more than TEN YEARS!! -- Joey! my bins! we share the most things in common and we totally get each other! that is what makes life so easy, knowing there is someone out there who totally gets you!! =)
3) All the things i thought were the worst moments in my life that turned out to be for the best! Leaving St Louis broke my heart, leaving all my friends behind, moving "home" to a place I'd never lived before, with no friends... i met Melissa. my ONE friend, and because of that i was blessed by another true friendship that i will cherish forever. Losing jobs and being burned out by "childcare" was depressing and emotionally-exhausting, but because of those jobs and the search for a new job I was blessed by another job opportunity that brought me to Ryan. I am blessed with his friendship, because he is an amazing person and is good to me. He makes me laugh and he even appreciates my spoiled-rotten, totally whiney side! =)
4) My Gram. i know she had no idea how much i loved her, how much i looked up to her, how much i aspire to be her. but she was the exact person God needed her to be while she was here on Earth, and I know this because her love has made me feel so blessed everyday of my life. I miss her daily!
..... i am blessed so much in my life, so much to be thankful for, and for that I thank God!
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
the city in which i live in is #10 on BEST SMALL CITIES IN THE US TO LIVE IN... i know, i'm shocked too! i'm not complaining, i mean there are some really nice things about this place. there isn't much crime (MUCH!) and there's a nice mall just down the road, a new target, a few churches, some great restaurants, etc. there is even a bowling alley place that has laser tag and in-door go carts, etc. it's not a bad place at all.... just wish it were surrounding a much LARGER CITY so i would have more things to do... but all-in-all not THAT BAD!
We were discussing the list at work and Dwight (yes, I work w/ a Dwight) said "do you know why it wasn't ranked higher on the list?" and we said no so he replied "because there isn't any strip clubs" to which Nathan replies with "i thought they said it was because there weren't any strip MALLS?!" and Dwight said, "Oh, huh!"... Well, I guess we know what ranks high on his list of awesome things in a city!!! LOL!! it was a good laugh, at Dwight's expense!!
the city in which i live in is #10 on BEST SMALL CITIES IN THE US TO LIVE IN... i know, i'm shocked too! i'm not complaining, i mean there are some really nice things about this place. there isn't much crime (MUCH!) and there's a nice mall just down the road, a new target, a few churches, some great restaurants, etc. there is even a bowling alley place that has laser tag and in-door go carts, etc. it's not a bad place at all.... just wish it were surrounding a much LARGER CITY so i would have more things to do... but all-in-all not THAT BAD!
We were discussing the list at work and Dwight (yes, I work w/ a Dwight) said "do you know why it wasn't ranked higher on the list?" and we said no so he replied "because there isn't any strip clubs" to which Nathan replies with "i thought they said it was because there weren't any strip MALLS?!" and Dwight said, "Oh, huh!"... Well, I guess we know what ranks high on his list of awesome things in a city!!! LOL!! it was a good laugh, at Dwight's expense!!
So, I was at the front desk talking to our receptionist when the VP walks in. We are all making small talk (actually we were making fun of the CEO and that's a whole other story!) when I simply walked to the front of the desk and noticed there was a new candle in the candle holder. I always pick up the candle and smell it, so I was immediately thrown off and said "HEY! You got a new candle!" and the VP says: "You know that movie w/ the kid and the balloons. Well, you're like the dog from that movie (UP!)and you just had a 'SQUIRREL' moment!" and then he laughed at me.... well, he's right and it's funny, so i get the laughter. ohhh well...
Sidestory: CEO wanted to know who's car had been parked in parking lot for a month, asked receptionist to email everyone to find out. VP wanted to play a prank on the CEO bc the CEO was concerned it was a "dumped" car that someone had stolen and left sitting in our parking lot. VP wanted to tell CEO a big long story about how someone had seen a person, acting all fidgeting, get out of the car, remove LARGE trash bag from the car and put it in our dumpster before then getting into another car and driving away... THESE ARE THE PEOPLE I WORK FOR.... GOD I LOVE MY JOB! =)
Sidestory: CEO wanted to know who's car had been parked in parking lot for a month, asked receptionist to email everyone to find out. VP wanted to play a prank on the CEO bc the CEO was concerned it was a "dumped" car that someone had stolen and left sitting in our parking lot. VP wanted to tell CEO a big long story about how someone had seen a person, acting all fidgeting, get out of the car, remove LARGE trash bag from the car and put it in our dumpster before then getting into another car and driving away... THESE ARE THE PEOPLE I WORK FOR.... GOD I LOVE MY JOB! =)
Monday, July 12, 2010
RANT of 07/12
Dear Lady-who-pulled-out-in-front-of-me, U pulled out in front of me, in order for me not to rear-end u I got into the right lane. Suddenly u decide u need to be in the right lane & attempt to cut me off again? i hope flipping me off made u feel better, bc quite frankly, my experienced driving skills kept US from being... involved in 2 accidents, so suck a dick! love, julie.
i looked at her, saw she gave me the bird, then i thought to myself... hmmm, maybe the handicap tag on her license plate means she's mentally disabled! -- FREAKIN IDIOT! =)
Who are these people! dislike them very much!!! =)
i looked at her, saw she gave me the bird, then i thought to myself... hmmm, maybe the handicap tag on her license plate means she's mentally disabled! -- FREAKIN IDIOT! =)
Who are these people! dislike them very much!!! =)
Saturday, July 3, 2010
HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY!! This is one of my most favorite holidays... I thank God and our dedicated military for providing us all with these wonderful freedoms. Typically we spend the holiday in Memphis with the family. My Uncle Darryl takes us to the Navy Base for the beautiful firework display and then we spend the rest of the weekend at their pool until night fall and then they set off their own firewords in the neighborhood. It is a lot of fun, because we play washers or cornhole, drink beer, and just visit. Of course my favorite part of the trip is spending time w/ my cousins Savannah & Dalton, because they are getting so big, so fast! Savannah is now ten and Dalton will be eight this winter!! Seems like just yesterday I was carrying around a teeny tiny Savannah, wrapped up in a pink blanket and just loving on her for being the cutest little baby ever-- now she's a TWEEN!!!
This year we didn't go. I kinda miss it, but it's a tough month for me. My cousin Melanie is getting married JULY 17. I am really looking forward to her wedding, but that requires traveling, 2hrs, to Springfield, MO. It's true that 2hrs isn't that long of a trip, but the following week Ryan and I are going to Chicago for his sister's wedding. Yep, I get to meet his family... that is IF he doesn't ditch me after putting up with my family the previous week. =) Then, the following week I (and hopefully Ryan) will be headed down to Memphis for my cousin Dustin's wedding reception. That's three weekends of traveling-- so my family decided not to travel to Memphis for the 4th!! But I'm a bit sad, because Ryan's in Chicago for his cousin's wedding tonight and, although I can hear them, I am not watching fireworks tonight. Oh well... maybe I will see some tomorrow night... I hope you all have a spledidly fun, safe & enjoyable 4th of July!!! GOD BLESS OUR BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY & OUR GIFT OF FREEDOM!!
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
RANT of 6/23
Ohhh ON THE BORDER, you have been my favorite restaurant for so long (since i moved to NWA) why do you have to disappoint me so bad?!?!
1) your bathrooms are the absolutely most disgusting thing i have ever seen!!!
2) your chips taste stale!
3) I saw an employee leave the bathroom after only placing her hands under running water... no soap, no scrubbing-- NASTY!!!
4) why do you think it is acceptable for a server to wear rolled up capri pants? she looked like a hoosier (yes, i do realize that you probably don't know what a "hoosier" is as i have used it with the St Louisian meaning, but basically it means tacky, class-less, white-trash, etc.)
I do love the SOUTHWEST CHICKEN TACOS, but i will give them up cold-turkey if you don't turn this crappiness around!! and your salsa is usually the most delicious salsa (other than my mothers) but suddenly it's just full of onion chunks and .... i feel liked you're letting yourself go downhill.... please please please do better!!!!
1) your bathrooms are the absolutely most disgusting thing i have ever seen!!!
2) your chips taste stale!
3) I saw an employee leave the bathroom after only placing her hands under running water... no soap, no scrubbing-- NASTY!!!
4) why do you think it is acceptable for a server to wear rolled up capri pants? she looked like a hoosier (yes, i do realize that you probably don't know what a "hoosier" is as i have used it with the St Louisian meaning, but basically it means tacky, class-less, white-trash, etc.)
I do love the SOUTHWEST CHICKEN TACOS, but i will give them up cold-turkey if you don't turn this crappiness around!! and your salsa is usually the most delicious salsa (other than my mothers) but suddenly it's just full of onion chunks and .... i feel liked you're letting yourself go downhill.... please please please do better!!!!
Monday, May 10, 2010
I am absolutely losing my mind! I have the app "words with friends" because my beautiful & wonderful cousin Melanie told me to play. So i started a game with her, some friends from work, my uncle, & my friend Johnny. I love these people, I truly do. But what I love more is kicking their asses in WWF!! And damn it if Johnny isn't ruining all my fun! I'm too competitive to be beat 97% of the time by Johnny! It's wearing on me and I'm fairly certain that if I can't beat him at WWF, then I am going to have to take out his shins one kick at a time!! =) Damn you Johnny #1. thanks for saving my life from drowning in a freezing pond in college, but AHHHHH!!! stop beating me.
Friday, May 7, 2010
as requested...

Work hours! AHHHHHHHHH!!!! So when i started at this temp job I said I was willing to work any hours, bc quite frankly I don't have much of a life and they needed volunteers OR they were gonna just draw names, and some people actually have spouses, kids, other type works and can't do it, so I took one for the team!! My current job has three shifts, we work 24 hrs a day. So I get in around 11p and work thru the night and eventually make it home around 8am!! Just in time to crawl in bed as all my neighbors leave for work (so, IDEAL PARKING SPACE & QUIETNESS!!--except the stupid lady upstairs, who sometimes runs late for work and therefore stomps around for a good 20mins before finally leaving).
It has it's perks, I mean I am always on time for work (HUGE NEWS, since i was in such a habit over the last year of showing up basically whenever i wanted!) there is very little traffic (except coming home sucks!) I get to be the MOST entertaining person in the world during the hours of 1am and 5am-- and it is totally acceptable to be quite looney during those hours (you get less judgmental looks) and they say the uncontrollable laughter leads to burning more calories-- yippee!!
The not so good news is: i sleep the day away, i only work with 5 people, and i get very cranky when i don't get much sleep! plus, it does limit the social life-- BLAH! So, on that note... off to see GREASE (featuring Taylor Hicks) with my momma, then off to a night of work!! yep, i work friday AND saturday nights... boo!
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
first over night...
I survived the over night shift. I whined (a little, for me, it was a little) but I survived. It gets long around 5am, that's when you're like "what the f' am i even doing here?!" but I survived. So, headed back for tonight, I really hope this is a week long event, not a forever event. On a side note: if i get my booty in gear I could line up some interviews during the day so I could get my dream job (since I was passed up for the last dream job interview I had-- boo!!) So, let's get some big things moving for me-- gotta get that job, pay the bills, live a good life! =) in the meantime, think of me while you're all passing out and drifting off to dreamland! GOODNIGHT MY FRIENDS!!
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
when did i become so old?
I am starting a new work schedule that consists of me going into work at 11p one night and staying until 8am the next morning. For those of you that don't know ... I'm a big dork and haven't stayed up til 8 in the morning since... that one time Joey, Ann and I went to McGurks and met a group of very nice young men who were celebrating their friends upcoming wedding, in town from KC, so we showed them around the city of St Louis & parts just outside of St Louis! =) Otherwise, typically, I'm in bed at a VERY decent hour (10p) and enjoy my sleep very much! anyway... the point being, I'm old and not all that capable of staying awake so late, i'm just months from being the person who falls asleep in the recliner while watching prime-time television... I hope this works out!!
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
school's out for SUMMER!! =)

Just got home from babysitting, for four days, and I am exhausted. I did have a lot of fun while doing it, but I had NO IDEA how much work was involved with having kids. Now, i'm not talking about the laundry and the cooking. The bathing or the other typical routines... I am actually talking about the HOMEWORK!!! I watched an 8yo for 3 school days and I had THREE SCHOOL DAYS WORTH OF HOMEWORK!!! I find it slightly ridiculous that I had WRITING ASSIGNMENTS to complete for school when I graduated HIGH SCHOOL eleven years ago!! Seriously, could that be more ridiculous?? I also had to go over reading assignments and spelling words, but that was pretty easy stuff, but to actually receieve a note from the teacher saying "please respond to your child's letter w/ a letter of your own every day this week"... LAME-O!! now, i had some fun doing it, but I can't imagine being her mother, working my ass off ALL DAY just to come home EVERY NIGHT to more homework? Now, i haven't even told you about the 8 pages of REQUESTS FOR VOLUNTEERS, FIELD TRIPS, ETC of information that came home with her this week--- POOR MOMS!!! I have a new found respect for you all (and Dads too)... I don't think my mom had that much homework when i was in school-- but i don't think i could have any more respect for her than i already do, considering she's the best mom out there!! YEP, I SAID IT, THERE'S NO ONE BETTER THAN MY MOM!! AND I'LL FIGHT YOU TO THE DEATH IF YOU DISAGREE!! =)
So... back to the homework. Alisha was to write me a letter, pleading with me to let her have a WOLF CUB. and she had to draw a picture for every letter. I included the picture she drew on day one-- it was quite.... well..... interesting!!! =) But the point of the story was every night i had to respond to her pleads with a response telling her "no" and then she would plead again the next day... OH BOY... thanks for teaching my kid to whine & beg for things!!! Is that what we send them to school for???? YIKES!!!
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Dear Joel Hemme

Dear Joel Hemme,
It must be said that everytime I walk into a restaurant I will forever measure the service I receive there against that which I received with you. You will forever be the only server to anticipate the needs of our table before it is even needed, the only server that greeted us with a smile each & everytime we returned and the only server ever worth requesting and waiting 30mins just to sit in your section!
Thanks for being awesome, love ya,
Today i went out to eat with my neighbor/friend. We sat at a table and were greeted by a server that looked at us like our request for water was unacceptable! then when my friend requested "the hot salsa" the server looked at her like "you've got to be fucking kidding me, are you retarded!" (that's the look, eye glare for eye glare!) The rest of our interaction with her was short and anything but sweet. We had to search out others to bring us water and I am pretty sure that everytime she disappeared she was out back getting high-- no lie. She seemed ridiculously dull and anything but helpful.
Ohhhhh, how I miss Joey & my weekly trips to Red Robin in Gravois Bluffs for our lunches with the best damn service in the entire world of service!!!
Monday, April 19, 2010
For those of you that do not know my Grandma was diagnosised with SMALL CELL LUNG CANCER. The cancer diagnosis came a week (the day i came back from St Louis) before it was narrowed down to SMALL CELL LUNG CANCER, so we are two weeks into coming to terms with what this all means. My parents drove down to Memphis to be there with my Grandma for the doctor's appt that was to give us a sense of what was happening. But now it looks like they will be there for atleast a week. Grandma was to under-go PET SCANS, CT SCANS and MRIs on Monday and then a LIVER BIOPSY on Tuesday. but she got really sick (stomach bug of some sort) on Sunday and ended up spending the week in the hospital hooked up to an IV to get some fluids in her. My parents arrived at the hospital on Thursday and that is when the doctor came in with all the results. She was suppose to start chemotherapy on Friday while at the hospital but they lost "the orders" so her first treatment was today. My mom said the first treatment went well, but we won't know the side-effects of this for a few days. The lung cancer has already spread to her ribs, liver and spine, and so far I have not heard if it has spread to the brain, although the results from the brain scan should be back by now-- if not real soon!!
That is the back story...
Now, here's the part that makes this all so very tough for all of us. I have two cousins getting married this year (not to each other, they aren't "from" Arkansas...) Dustin is getting married in June, in what I can only expect to be a BEAUTIFUL beach wedding, to Cortney! Melanie is getting married in July to Sam in Springfield, MO. Obviously the hope is that Grandma is doing well enough to attend both of these events, but here's the real kicker!! My uncle is expecting (well, he's not, his wife is) baby #3 in November! Ok, so MAYBE they thought they were done having kids, but the rest of the family is pretty darn pleased that there is another little one on the way!!!! I really hope this year takes a turn for the better, because thus far the family has been through enough (cousin Marlena's terrible car accident is just another event this year we could have done without-- as she is scooting around in a wheel chair and trying to heal up all those broken bones-- but thankfully she's alive!!!) and we are looking forward to the blessings that are sure to be on the way-- including GRANDMA KICKING CANCER'S BUTT!!!!! The prognosis isn't good, but I'm pretty sure Grandma wants to be around for these BIG EVENTS as much as we would like to have her around for them too-- NOT TO MENTION MY WEDDING-- which, no isn't happening anytime soon, but I'm already down one Grandma and I would really not like to have to be down two!! So I thank you all for your prayers and thoughts, and I certainly hope the news starts getting better & better soon enough!!!
Sunday, April 18, 2010
So, if you happened to be traveling this weekend I'm sure you heard over & over again that the security threat level was ORANGE. I'm not exactly sure on the levels, but I'm pretty sure Green is good, then yellow, then orange, then red??? is there something beyond that??? Anyway, that's not necessarily the point, the point....
I made it safe & sounds from XNA to Detroit and had quite the wait trying to leave Detroit for WASHINGTON DC-- THE CAPITOL OF OUR GREAT COUNTRY!!! The plane was late getting in from somewhere else and then our crew was late getting in from somewhere else-- which is good bc I was on the phone w/ Vanessa & almost missed our departure time-- oopsie!! (damn time change) but that being said I still had time to wait!! We finally boarded the plane and as I sat there, in between two very nice, 20-something kids (both younger than I) we witnessed what can only be explained as TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE DURING ORANGE THREAT LEVEL TIME ON A PLANE GOING TO THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA!!!!!!!!!
They kept announcing our flight as going to NATIONAL (Reagan National Airport) but the sign at the gate said Washington DC-Reagan and that's what I always look for, but that's just me. Anyway, the door is about to close the flight attendant gets on the speaker and says blah blah NATIONAL blah blah DC blah blah..... then a man gets up from the back of the plane and says IS THIS PLANE GOING TO NASHVILLE??? Nope, not nashville buddy!!! So explain to me how this guy got scanned thru the gate, got on the plane, found a seat and was all ready to go to a city he wasn't even suppose to be going to and during a THREAT LEVEL ORANGE to our NATION'S CAPITOL??? HOW DOES THAT HAPPEN?!?!?
I was slightly disappointed in this moment. That being said, the trip home was pretty ridiculous. I've been awake since 3am MY TIME, bc I could not sleep, drank 2 cups of coffee, got to the airport, got thru security-- no problems, made it to the gate, boarded a fairly full flight to Atlanta, next to a guy who slept the whole time-- which was great bc i slept & read (CHELSEA CHELSEA BANG BANG) & made it to Atlanta. Not a fan of Atlanta airport, quite large, gates change all the time, but it wasn't too bad. Got on a tiny plane to XNA, and somehow made it home safe & sound...
I made it safe & sounds from XNA to Detroit and had quite the wait trying to leave Detroit for WASHINGTON DC-- THE CAPITOL OF OUR GREAT COUNTRY!!! The plane was late getting in from somewhere else and then our crew was late getting in from somewhere else-- which is good bc I was on the phone w/ Vanessa & almost missed our departure time-- oopsie!! (damn time change) but that being said I still had time to wait!! We finally boarded the plane and as I sat there, in between two very nice, 20-something kids (both younger than I) we witnessed what can only be explained as TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE DURING ORANGE THREAT LEVEL TIME ON A PLANE GOING TO THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA!!!!!!!!!
They kept announcing our flight as going to NATIONAL (Reagan National Airport) but the sign at the gate said Washington DC-Reagan and that's what I always look for, but that's just me. Anyway, the door is about to close the flight attendant gets on the speaker and says blah blah NATIONAL blah blah DC blah blah..... then a man gets up from the back of the plane and says IS THIS PLANE GOING TO NASHVILLE??? Nope, not nashville buddy!!! So explain to me how this guy got scanned thru the gate, got on the plane, found a seat and was all ready to go to a city he wasn't even suppose to be going to and during a THREAT LEVEL ORANGE to our NATION'S CAPITOL??? HOW DOES THAT HAPPEN?!?!?
I was slightly disappointed in this moment. That being said, the trip home was pretty ridiculous. I've been awake since 3am MY TIME, bc I could not sleep, drank 2 cups of coffee, got to the airport, got thru security-- no problems, made it to the gate, boarded a fairly full flight to Atlanta, next to a guy who slept the whole time-- which was great bc i slept & read (CHELSEA CHELSEA BANG BANG) & made it to Atlanta. Not a fan of Atlanta airport, quite large, gates change all the time, but it wasn't too bad. Got on a tiny plane to XNA, and somehow made it home safe & sound...
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Travel rant
Dear fellow travelers,
I have a few bones to pick with you!
1) do not, I repeat, do not eat a deli sandwich covered with onions before sitting next to me! I don't think it smells good in fresh air & I don't think it smells good in enclosed places with forced air-- you smell!!
2) don't be rude to me bc we were assigned to sit together on this plane! Mostly bc I get to airports so freaking early & check in that you could have seen I was already sitting there & changed your seat& bc you're not the queen of England & you wouldn't be riding first class (if the plane had first class)-- but I would, bc I am that important!!! So if I can grin & bear it so can you!
To the airline staff:
1) don't be rude when you ask the guy next to me to turn off his phone, you make everyone uncomfortable when you cop that attitude!
2) don't waste my time by not knowing what's going on-- freaking load the plane already & quit gossiping about your personal life-- yep, I heard them tell you plane was ready for boarding-- 20mins later I still hear you whining about your worthless spouse! Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!
I have a few bones to pick with you!
1) do not, I repeat, do not eat a deli sandwich covered with onions before sitting next to me! I don't think it smells good in fresh air & I don't think it smells good in enclosed places with forced air-- you smell!!
2) don't be rude to me bc we were assigned to sit together on this plane! Mostly bc I get to airports so freaking early & check in that you could have seen I was already sitting there & changed your seat& bc you're not the queen of England & you wouldn't be riding first class (if the plane had first class)-- but I would, bc I am that important!!! So if I can grin & bear it so can you!
To the airline staff:
1) don't be rude when you ask the guy next to me to turn off his phone, you make everyone uncomfortable when you cop that attitude!
2) don't waste my time by not knowing what's going on-- freaking load the plane already & quit gossiping about your personal life-- yep, I heard them tell you plane was ready for boarding-- 20mins later I still hear you whining about your worthless spouse! Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
QUESTIONS parents should ask when touring CHILD CARE FACILITIES
1) RATIOS. that is always a big part, because 1-on-1 is the best, but that being said, a GOOD teacher may not need an assistant to deal with the children. The state sets aside a particular number of children per each teacher that they KNOW is not harmful or hurtful for the children and can provide care for each child individually as well as for the whole group. BUT OF COURSE, one-on-one is ideal.
2) CURRICULUM. will you child have a planned out day? what kind of things will they learn? how long does a theme last (a week, a day, a month)? What kind of tasks can the children complete at each particular age group (1yo can paint, glue, color, etc, but 3yo... they can do all that & better & MORE)? Is there freedom for creativity? Is arts & craft skills planned out for them? Do they have science & math time? Is there sensory time?
3a)DIAPERS. The state requires diapers to be changed EVERY 2HRS, no less than every 2HRS!! How do teachers keep track? Will you know your child's diaper routine? Is it changed more often?
3b) POTTY TRAINING. How often are children taken to the potty? At what age is it appropriate to start training? Do they have to be potty trained before they move up to a specific class?
4) PLAYGROUND. Always check out the playground first hand. See what kinds of activities the children are allowed to do? Is there multiple choices for activities or are they required to participate in one thing only? Is there grass, is there shade, is there a street to cross? Check out the safety of the equipment! How often is the grass cut? Are my children secure in this space? Can they get out?
5) EXPERIENCE. How many years of experience do the staff members have? Directors, Asst Directors included! How long have you been in child care?
6) TRAININGS. The state of Arkansas requires each staff member completes TEN HOURS of training. How much training has the staff completed so far this year? How many hours of training has the supervisory staff completed this year? How many hours does that facility require each staff member to complete a year-- yes the state requires 10, but different facilities require more for their own staff. Heck, ask them what was their favorite training they've ever attended?-- it'll give you a good sense of if they paid attention, what kinds of trainings they attend, and what they might have learned and how they brought it to YOUR CHILD'S CLASSROOM. for instance, i LOVED the relaxation class. yep, i took a class on relaxation! and after that class I taught my 2 & 3yo students how to do stretches and unwind after a busy day! we would turn on our meditation music and stretch out on the floor and reach out toes, we did our daily Calisthenics to work out our body-- good for them physically-- and ease our mind-- good for them mentally!
7) PHYSICAL GOALS. A child who is going from BABY to TODDLER does not meet many intelligence goals-- i mean they aren't going to be able to complete the sentence for you or add 2+2. BUT they do need to meet physical goals to keep them on track with other children their age. You may want to keep them a BABY, but do you want them to fall behind other children their age? So, while you may be scared to get them off that bottle because of nutritional value or because they are your precious, sweet, widdle, iddy, biddy, tiny little baby.... they really don't need A BOTTLE. They can get their nutritional values out of a sippie cup, just like a bottle, so don't be scared, it's ok to let them grow. and by letting them grow you are teaching them independence and giving them SELF-ESTEEM!!! ohhhh, does your little tiny pumpkin need good self-esteem or what?! i mean, seriously, no one looks at their baby and says "man, i hope i hold him back! i hope he becomes emotionally turbulent, socially inept, and depressed all the time!" So with this long definition I think what I am trying to say is: Do you help get my child trained to use a sippie cup before they become little toddling children? If my child is behind on walking will you help them walk or hold them back? If my child is quick to walk, will you move him up or hold him back?
8) TESTING. Once your sweet little iddy biddy baby becomes a toddler the focus is more on learning the basics. Talking. Counting. Dancing. Jumping. Sharing. etc. How does this particular facility know if your child is meeting the goals of that particular age? I'm sure you've heard "20 in 20" 20 words by 20months of age. That's how your child's physician tests them, but does the school? And can you see it? For instance, at the age of 1 a child can scribble with a marker, but by the age of 4 they should be able to hold the marker correctly and not only scribble but make diliberate marks on a piece of paper-- perhaps spell their name!!! So as your child grows with that facility can you SEE how YOUR child has progressed?? How do they know if your child knows his colors? his ABCs? is he going to be kindergarten ready?
9) BITING!! No parent ever wants to think their child is a biter, but it'll happen! No parent wants to think that they send their child to school to be bit, but it'll happen! Do not stress about this, children are resilient, they will get bit, they may cry, it will turn into a bruise, but they will be ok!! Please do not single out children, or bad mouth a child because they bit your precious baby! They do not realize what they are doing is hurting, all they realize is it got YOUR CHILD to let go of THEIR TOY! These children typically have no words to convey what they want or need and the only way to get their point across is to dig their shiney little teeth into your baby's arm, neck, back, etc. I will promise you, you are doing NO ONE any favors by threatening to remove your child from daycare, because no matter where you take them, there will be biting. And it is not ok to kick a child out of a facility just because they bite. I will be the first to admit children have bit and been bit on my watch and I FEEL GUILTY! It is MY job to watch them and teach them. I should have been there to intervene. but I FAILED! Your child who did the biting, he isn't the problem, he isn't the failure, he isn't "THE BITER" HE is, however, still your precious baby, who just needs some guidenance on how to deal with their teething, aggression, frustration, etc. And your child who got bit... more than likely they weren't perfect little angels who were just in the wrong place at the wrong time-- although i have actually witnessed that once or twice!! Sometimes they are the aggressor, sometimes they are the bully, but their bullying does not leave marks, so that being said, ask: What is the biting policy? What kind of training do the teachers have with biting? Will a child be kicked out for biting? Will I be notified if my child was bit?
10) POLICIES. This refers to any policy the schools may have... inclement weather policies. misbehavior policies (time out, redirection, seperation, etc). Late fees. Late pick up times. Perhaps your daycare closes at 530p but you're running so late one day... do they charge? and is there a certain amount of times you can be late before you are asked to find a new center? (Seriously, these are questions you need to know answers to... because a simple miscommunication between mom & dad about who's picking up baby could happen more than once). Payment policies. PLAYGROUND policies. (how often, when, cold weather, rainy weather? I was once told "there is no such thing as inappropriate weather, just inappropriate clothing" and at first I disagreed, but then I realized I spent HOURS playing outside in 4ft of snow, in 5degree weather when I was growing up. So, if I bundle up babies why can't they enjoy the craziness mother nature has to offer us?!... that being said, thunder & lightning-- no! that's just stupid. You don't PLAY in a tornado!)
ooohhhhhh.... i'm sure there are more that i left out, but this is a basic 10 question starting point and i think they are all very informative. Goodluck my friends on finding the BEST daycare for you....
1) RATIOS. that is always a big part, because 1-on-1 is the best, but that being said, a GOOD teacher may not need an assistant to deal with the children. The state sets aside a particular number of children per each teacher that they KNOW is not harmful or hurtful for the children and can provide care for each child individually as well as for the whole group. BUT OF COURSE, one-on-one is ideal.
2) CURRICULUM. will you child have a planned out day? what kind of things will they learn? how long does a theme last (a week, a day, a month)? What kind of tasks can the children complete at each particular age group (1yo can paint, glue, color, etc, but 3yo... they can do all that & better & MORE)? Is there freedom for creativity? Is arts & craft skills planned out for them? Do they have science & math time? Is there sensory time?
3a)DIAPERS. The state requires diapers to be changed EVERY 2HRS, no less than every 2HRS!! How do teachers keep track? Will you know your child's diaper routine? Is it changed more often?
3b) POTTY TRAINING. How often are children taken to the potty? At what age is it appropriate to start training? Do they have to be potty trained before they move up to a specific class?
4) PLAYGROUND. Always check out the playground first hand. See what kinds of activities the children are allowed to do? Is there multiple choices for activities or are they required to participate in one thing only? Is there grass, is there shade, is there a street to cross? Check out the safety of the equipment! How often is the grass cut? Are my children secure in this space? Can they get out?
5) EXPERIENCE. How many years of experience do the staff members have? Directors, Asst Directors included! How long have you been in child care?
6) TRAININGS. The state of Arkansas requires each staff member completes TEN HOURS of training. How much training has the staff completed so far this year? How many hours of training has the supervisory staff completed this year? How many hours does that facility require each staff member to complete a year-- yes the state requires 10, but different facilities require more for their own staff. Heck, ask them what was their favorite training they've ever attended?-- it'll give you a good sense of if they paid attention, what kinds of trainings they attend, and what they might have learned and how they brought it to YOUR CHILD'S CLASSROOM. for instance, i LOVED the relaxation class. yep, i took a class on relaxation! and after that class I taught my 2 & 3yo students how to do stretches and unwind after a busy day! we would turn on our meditation music and stretch out on the floor and reach out toes, we did our daily Calisthenics to work out our body-- good for them physically-- and ease our mind-- good for them mentally!
7) PHYSICAL GOALS. A child who is going from BABY to TODDLER does not meet many intelligence goals-- i mean they aren't going to be able to complete the sentence for you or add 2+2. BUT they do need to meet physical goals to keep them on track with other children their age. You may want to keep them a BABY, but do you want them to fall behind other children their age? So, while you may be scared to get them off that bottle because of nutritional value or because they are your precious, sweet, widdle, iddy, biddy, tiny little baby.... they really don't need A BOTTLE. They can get their nutritional values out of a sippie cup, just like a bottle, so don't be scared, it's ok to let them grow. and by letting them grow you are teaching them independence and giving them SELF-ESTEEM!!! ohhhh, does your little tiny pumpkin need good self-esteem or what?! i mean, seriously, no one looks at their baby and says "man, i hope i hold him back! i hope he becomes emotionally turbulent, socially inept, and depressed all the time!" So with this long definition I think what I am trying to say is: Do you help get my child trained to use a sippie cup before they become little toddling children? If my child is behind on walking will you help them walk or hold them back? If my child is quick to walk, will you move him up or hold him back?
8) TESTING. Once your sweet little iddy biddy baby becomes a toddler the focus is more on learning the basics. Talking. Counting. Dancing. Jumping. Sharing. etc. How does this particular facility know if your child is meeting the goals of that particular age? I'm sure you've heard "20 in 20" 20 words by 20months of age. That's how your child's physician tests them, but does the school? And can you see it? For instance, at the age of 1 a child can scribble with a marker, but by the age of 4 they should be able to hold the marker correctly and not only scribble but make diliberate marks on a piece of paper-- perhaps spell their name!!! So as your child grows with that facility can you SEE how YOUR child has progressed?? How do they know if your child knows his colors? his ABCs? is he going to be kindergarten ready?
9) BITING!! No parent ever wants to think their child is a biter, but it'll happen! No parent wants to think that they send their child to school to be bit, but it'll happen! Do not stress about this, children are resilient, they will get bit, they may cry, it will turn into a bruise, but they will be ok!! Please do not single out children, or bad mouth a child because they bit your precious baby! They do not realize what they are doing is hurting, all they realize is it got YOUR CHILD to let go of THEIR TOY! These children typically have no words to convey what they want or need and the only way to get their point across is to dig their shiney little teeth into your baby's arm, neck, back, etc. I will promise you, you are doing NO ONE any favors by threatening to remove your child from daycare, because no matter where you take them, there will be biting. And it is not ok to kick a child out of a facility just because they bite. I will be the first to admit children have bit and been bit on my watch and I FEEL GUILTY! It is MY job to watch them and teach them. I should have been there to intervene. but I FAILED! Your child who did the biting, he isn't the problem, he isn't the failure, he isn't "THE BITER" HE is, however, still your precious baby, who just needs some guidenance on how to deal with their teething, aggression, frustration, etc. And your child who got bit... more than likely they weren't perfect little angels who were just in the wrong place at the wrong time-- although i have actually witnessed that once or twice!! Sometimes they are the aggressor, sometimes they are the bully, but their bullying does not leave marks, so that being said, ask: What is the biting policy? What kind of training do the teachers have with biting? Will a child be kicked out for biting? Will I be notified if my child was bit?
10) POLICIES. This refers to any policy the schools may have... inclement weather policies. misbehavior policies (time out, redirection, seperation, etc). Late fees. Late pick up times. Perhaps your daycare closes at 530p but you're running so late one day... do they charge? and is there a certain amount of times you can be late before you are asked to find a new center? (Seriously, these are questions you need to know answers to... because a simple miscommunication between mom & dad about who's picking up baby could happen more than once). Payment policies. PLAYGROUND policies. (how often, when, cold weather, rainy weather? I was once told "there is no such thing as inappropriate weather, just inappropriate clothing" and at first I disagreed, but then I realized I spent HOURS playing outside in 4ft of snow, in 5degree weather when I was growing up. So, if I bundle up babies why can't they enjoy the craziness mother nature has to offer us?!... that being said, thunder & lightning-- no! that's just stupid. You don't PLAY in a tornado!)
ooohhhhhh.... i'm sure there are more that i left out, but this is a basic 10 question starting point and i think they are all very informative. Goodluck my friends on finding the BEST daycare for you....
Who wants a random Julie rant???
Ok local police officers. In the last 3 months I have graciously driven the speed limit. I have been fully aware of all others on the road and constantly searching for little, hidden speed traps every 30 feet. But COME ON.. it's so pretty outside. I want to enjoy a random drive, with the windows down, music up, and speed under my feet!! Why have you been lurking? I realize that speeding is illegal, and it's not exactly like I am wanting to go 50 in a 30, but can i PLEASE go 35mph?? i mean, seriously, 35mph is REALLY slow-- too slow-- and that is considered speeding in most areas I drive in... HELP A GIRL OUT, give me some leeway, please? It's just a request. Until I hear back from you I will just continue to abide by the law and slowly make it to my destination as fast as snails & turtles. THANKS.
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