Just got home from babysitting, for four days, and I am exhausted. I did have a lot of fun while doing it, but I had NO IDEA how much work was involved with having kids. Now, i'm not talking about the laundry and the cooking. The bathing or the other typical routines... I am actually talking about the HOMEWORK!!! I watched an 8yo for 3 school days and I had THREE SCHOOL DAYS WORTH OF HOMEWORK!!! I find it slightly ridiculous that I had WRITING ASSIGNMENTS to complete for school when I graduated HIGH SCHOOL eleven years ago!! Seriously, could that be more ridiculous?? I also had to go over reading assignments and spelling words, but that was pretty easy stuff, but to actually receieve a note from the teacher saying "please respond to your child's letter w/ a letter of your own every day this week"... LAME-O!! now, i had some fun doing it, but I can't imagine being her mother, working my ass off ALL DAY just to come home EVERY NIGHT to more homework? Now, i haven't even told you about the 8 pages of REQUESTS FOR VOLUNTEERS, FIELD TRIPS, ETC of information that came home with her this week--- POOR MOMS!!! I have a new found respect for you all (and Dads too)... I don't think my mom had that much homework when i was in school-- but i don't think i could have any more respect for her than i already do, considering she's the best mom out there!! YEP, I SAID IT, THERE'S NO ONE BETTER THAN MY MOM!! AND I'LL FIGHT YOU TO THE DEATH IF YOU DISAGREE!! =)
So... back to the homework. Alisha was to write me a letter, pleading with me to let her have a WOLF CUB. and she had to draw a picture for every letter. I included the picture she drew on day one-- it was quite.... well..... interesting!!! =) But the point of the story was every night i had to respond to her pleads with a response telling her "no" and then she would plead again the next day... OH BOY... thanks for teaching my kid to whine & beg for things!!! Is that what we send them to school for???? YIKES!!!
Seriously?!?! so I’m going to assume that the teacher assigning "parent homework" has no kids of her own. If she did she would realize that not only are you tired when you get home from work but you want to spend time with your kids, not with your kids homework!