Sitting in the waiting room at the dentist you would think things would be calm & fairly quiet. All i hear is the sound of the gentle fountain, the relaxing music and I see the Today show on-- no sound. Then this woman walks in, plops down right next to me (even though there are other places to sit) and then suddenly, out of no where says (in a VERY LOUD, UNRELAXING VOLUME) DO NOT wear dark colors then brush your teeth-- it sprays everywhere!! I looked at her, gave her a look of "what the f lady, shut your face" ... it's a common look I give, then turn away. the lady on the other side of the waiting room, who obviously wasn't as turned off by the woman's volume or hideiousness as I was replies with "i think that always happens when you're in a rush." ok, i can agree with that, because it never fails when you're trying to run out the door and you hurry to brush your teeth and you drop the toothbrush or something-- it's always a mess-- or you can't get your contacts in or you can't get a certain part of your hair to cooperate-- i mean it's murphy's law, it was always be an issue if you don't have time to deal with it. BUT then the two of them proceed to continue in conversation that I do not really know how they go there from toothbrush issues....
The lady says I was going to brush my teeth, then put my shirt on, but then I would have messed up my hair (dude, your hair looks terrible anyway!!) then lady 2 replies with my daughter was at a sleepover last night, because we have parent/teacher conferences today, and i told her she could spend the night, but i would have to pick her up at 9am, because we had an appt at 10am, so she couldn't argue, we would have to go. but it worked out because the girl who's house she was staying at was getting her long, beautiful hair cut for locks of love, so everyone was leaving early this morning..." lady 1 replies with "locks of love, how sweet" then a voice from the heavens, a sweet voice, softly says "Julie?".... OH THANK YOU SWEET JESUS, I'VE BEEN RESCUED!! I grab my purse and I walk as fast as possible to the door to rooms where I will be subjected to teeth cleanings and xrays.... THANK GOD!
I don't know what struck me as more bizzarre, the lady who can't seem to do the simple task of brushing her teeth, or the lady who somehow made a toothbrushing conversation about locks of love and preteen sleepovers?!?!
PS: i have a cavity and must go back for a filling in November.... ohhhh the day gets better & better, doesn't it?! Oh well, I may have a cavity, but atleast I know how to brush my teeth, Lord only knows what happened with that lady's teeth and her fugly hair.
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