For those of you that do not know my Grandma was diagnosised with SMALL CELL LUNG CANCER. The cancer diagnosis came a week (the day i came back from St Louis) before it was narrowed down to SMALL CELL LUNG CANCER, so we are two weeks into coming to terms with what this all means. My parents drove down to Memphis to be there with my Grandma for the doctor's appt that was to give us a sense of what was happening. But now it looks like they will be there for atleast a week. Grandma was to under-go PET SCANS, CT SCANS and MRIs on Monday and then a LIVER BIOPSY on Tuesday. but she got really sick (stomach bug of some sort) on Sunday and ended up spending the week in the hospital hooked up to an IV to get some fluids in her. My parents arrived at the hospital on Thursday and that is when the doctor came in with all the results. She was suppose to start chemotherapy on Friday while at the hospital but they lost "the orders" so her first treatment was today. My mom said the first treatment went well, but we won't know the side-effects of this for a few days. The lung cancer has already spread to her ribs, liver and spine, and so far I have not heard if it has spread to the brain, although the results from the brain scan should be back by now-- if not real soon!!
That is the back story...
Now, here's the part that makes this all so very tough for all of us. I have two cousins getting married this year (not to each other, they aren't "from" Arkansas...) Dustin is getting married in June, in what I can only expect to be a BEAUTIFUL beach wedding, to Cortney! Melanie is getting married in July to Sam in Springfield, MO. Obviously the hope is that Grandma is doing well enough to attend both of these events, but here's the real kicker!! My uncle is expecting (well, he's not, his wife is) baby #3 in November! Ok, so MAYBE they thought they were done having kids, but the rest of the family is pretty darn pleased that there is another little one on the way!!!! I really hope this year takes a turn for the better, because thus far the family has been through enough (cousin Marlena's terrible car accident is just another event this year we could have done without-- as she is scooting around in a wheel chair and trying to heal up all those broken bones-- but thankfully she's alive!!!) and we are looking forward to the blessings that are sure to be on the way-- including GRANDMA KICKING CANCER'S BUTT!!!!! The prognosis isn't good, but I'm pretty sure Grandma wants to be around for these BIG EVENTS as much as we would like to have her around for them too-- NOT TO MENTION MY WEDDING-- which, no isn't happening anytime soon, but I'm already down one Grandma and I would really not like to have to be down two!! So I thank you all for your prayers and thoughts, and I certainly hope the news starts getting better & better soon enough!!!
so baby #3 isn't coming in November. we found out that they miscarried and I can only describe my feelings as "devestated"-- but I can't speak for anyone else-- but I know everyone is feeling a little sad about it... i guess when it rains, it pours!