
Monday, August 8, 2011

Rant of the summer...

I have titled this RANT OF THE SUMMER because, as you can see, I have not been around to RANT, so here it is-- all summed up in one blog.

When I was younger my mother informed me "you can not get married until you're at least 25"... I do not know why this conversation came up, but it did. And that was the age she placed on "acceptable marrying age". I never disagreed and I'm 30 years old, still unmarried and completely OK with it. But I see these YOUNG kids getting married, having babies and I think to myself, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!(this is a generalization, not the truth for EVERY SINGLE PERSON IN THE ENTIRE WORLD) I do not believe all YOUNG marriages are destined for divorce, but there are so many ADULT situations that come up in marriage, in life, that I question if a twenty year old is capable of dealing with, in a serious, mature, adult way. There are some people who mature more quickly, some who have seen the world, seen different cultures and have been exposed to more than myself or anyone else. Then there are those, who grew up in one place, had the same friends since they were little and really have no idea what life is as an adult...... WHY GET MARRIED SO YOUNG???? And more so... why have babies so young??? (that's another rant... parenting? Why have kids if you do not want to parent? Why have babies before you're capable of growing up yourself? ... Do not get me started on this topic. I have seen children used as pawns in divorce, I have seen them neglected while parents "party"... my heart aches for the children who are innocent victims)

Wedding Planning.... Out of curiosity why does everyone think they should give their opinion on what you should do for your wedding?? MAYBE I have been guilty of this in the past, to which I say "SORRY FRIENDS & FAMILY" seriously, sorry. I'm sure there will be more on this topic in future rants, so I will leave it off here.

Job Searching.... seriously, does EVERYTHING have to be done online? I get it, you get a lot of people applying for one job and you do not have time to go through and read every single resume, but I am beyond capable of doing every job I have applied for and I am capable of being a fabulous employee... if you'd give me a chance to show you, beyond my resume.

Heat... Not Miami Heat, although I am sure I could comment for a minute or two on Lebron James, but that's just the Cleveland Cavs-- Mark Price Era-- Fan in me... I mean the WEATHER!! I grew up in Minnesota. I like snow. I like fall with the pretty colors and the cool breezes and the amazing clothes. (I'm a sucker for a good pair of boots and jackets!) I like spring-- it's my allergies that hate spring, but I like it. I have never been a fan of 100+ degree weather, not even when I had full access to swimming pools and days of vacation to use. But now... now I am expected to work in this heat and I'm not just talking about game days. Community appearances, dressed as a hairy mascot, makes these days of summer the worst possible days ever! Can we please, oh please, get some rain, 80 degree weather and a few clouds?? 110 is unacceptable.

SONIC!! When I order a CHERRY COKE I absolutely expect a cherry in my drink. Sometimes they do it and sometimes they don't... what the heck is up with that!!

This is my biggest pet peeve... When people ask "how's it going with Ryan?" and I reply "I miss him, a lot, it'll be another # weeks before I see him again" and they say "well this time will fly by, and soon you'll be together all the time and you'll want time apart, because he'll drive you crazy. I'd give anything for a few days away from < insert spouses name >" .... OK, i get it, your spouse annoys you?! I do not know why you want days away from your spouse, but take a couple days off then, this isn't the SAME THING!! Ryan has been gone since the end of March. I have seen him a total of maybe 8 times, for no more than 30 hours (some of those are hours for sleeping!) and I miss him. A LOT. Don't tell me what I will want EVENTUALLY when right now all I can think about is how much it sucks that I do not get to come home from work, curl up on the couch with him, watch random television. Right now all I want is to hold his hand when we walk to the car or laugh at him when he says something absolutely ridiculous. I want to tell him I love him without having to text it or worse, be on skype & have it break up or sign off on us. I want to walk around this lovely Northwest Arkansas area and roll my eyes at some one who is the epitome of everything Arkansas and hear him say "YEP" because he knows what I am thinking. I feel bad for whining about how much I miss him, because I do realize that there are people who have it worse. I am very thankful I was never around when he was in the Army, because a year or more apart would have been more difficult, but it's the days apart that suck in general. Every single day is a missed chance of being together and life is short and we have no idea how many days we have left in this world. I am thankful that I have an amazing person who wants to spend the rest of our numbered days with me, but I hate that we will never get these days back. So please do not try to console me by saying "eventually you will want him to take a few days away," that's not helpful.

Oh so many rants, oh so little time...

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