Life as a mother to two (two children under two that is) is a whole new process. There is no time for blog posts or updates. I rely solely on our fb posts to keep family up-to-date because I don't even have time to pick up the phone. Not that just having two kids made all of that impossible, but of course my crazy job and it's demanding hours didn't help, not to mention I returned to work right before Christmas, so the holidays certainly don't help, and of course there is the fact that I just don't care to post that much anymore.
I used to love to make a post every now and then, updating the world or creating my own little diary for me to share with my kids one day. Now... now I barely have the desire to do much more than cuddle my kiddos, laugh hysterically at my insane, sweet, adorable toddler and try to keep up with my now mobile infant. In a blink of an eye my whole world was now on the outside of me, giant chunks of my heart WALKING and CRAWLING around.
My son, the sweetest boy on Earth, is such a loving big brother, giving hugs & kisses to his sissy every day! He cannot wait for her to be big enough to keep up with him. He doesn't realize how rough he is being with her, because he is just so overwhelmed with excitement that he has his own little playmate full-time now. He brightens my day every single day, with all the words, all the milestones, all the tricks, all the hugs & kisses... I sound like a typical gushing mother, but seriously I have never known a child to be so lovingly sweet!
My daughter, while her birth was easier than his, she has challenged us from the beginning. To basically making it nearly impossible to nurse her, to having colic and crying endlessly for hours at a time each and every night, to being sick pretty much always. She has always had a "upper respiratory infection" since she started to get over colic, then a terrible infection that almost landed her hospitalized at only 4 months of age, and now (still) an upper respiratory infection. We are working on narrowing down any allergies she may have to us or our home and we have been giving her breathing treatments since she was 5mos old. She's now 9mos old, crawling all through the house and man does she want to walk so bad! She wants to chase her brother all through our house!! She's going to get there in just another blink of an eye and I'm so thrilled and terrified!!
I am the proudest mommy and I know this will likely be the last blog post for a really long time! It's not for a lack of having things to say, but just because I want to live these moments more often! I struggled for a really long time on trying to figure out what I was here (on this Earth even) to do, but I know that no matter what I do I will always be the proudest mommy!! Every single milestone, every single smile, giggle, fall, bruise, and kiss & hug makes my entire life better than I ever could have imaged!!