
Tuesday, July 13, 2010


the city in which i live in is #10 on BEST SMALL CITIES IN THE US TO LIVE IN... i know, i'm shocked too! i'm not complaining, i mean there are some really nice things about this place. there isn't much crime (MUCH!) and there's a nice mall just down the road, a new target, a few churches, some great restaurants, etc. there is even a bowling alley place that has laser tag and in-door go carts, etc. it's not a bad place at all.... just wish it were surrounding a much LARGER CITY so i would have more things to do... but all-in-all not THAT BAD!

We were discussing the list at work and Dwight (yes, I work w/ a Dwight) said "do you know why it wasn't ranked higher on the list?" and we said no so he replied "because there isn't any strip clubs" to which Nathan replies with "i thought they said it was because there weren't any strip MALLS?!" and Dwight said, "Oh, huh!"... Well, I guess we know what ranks high on his list of awesome things in a city!!! LOL!! it was a good laugh, at Dwight's expense!!


So, I was at the front desk talking to our receptionist when the VP walks in. We are all making small talk (actually we were making fun of the CEO and that's a whole other story!) when I simply walked to the front of the desk and noticed there was a new candle in the candle holder. I always pick up the candle and smell it, so I was immediately thrown off and said "HEY! You got a new candle!" and the VP says: "You know that movie w/ the kid and the balloons. Well, you're like the dog from that movie (UP!)and you just had a 'SQUIRREL' moment!" and then he laughed at me.... well, he's right and it's funny, so i get the laughter. ohhh well...

Sidestory: CEO wanted to know who's car had been parked in parking lot for a month, asked receptionist to email everyone to find out. VP wanted to play a prank on the CEO bc the CEO was concerned it was a "dumped" car that someone had stolen and left sitting in our parking lot. VP wanted to tell CEO a big long story about how someone had seen a person, acting all fidgeting, get out of the car, remove LARGE trash bag from the car and put it in our dumpster before then getting into another car and driving away... THESE ARE THE PEOPLE I WORK FOR.... GOD I LOVE MY JOB! =)

Monday, July 12, 2010

RANT of 07/12

Dear Lady-who-pulled-out-in-front-of-me, U pulled out in front of me, in order for me not to rear-end u I got into the right lane. Suddenly u decide u need to be in the right lane & attempt to cut me off again? i hope flipping me off made u feel better, bc quite frankly, my experienced driving skills kept US from being... involved in 2 accidents, so suck a dick! love, julie.

i looked at her, saw she gave me the bird, then i thought to myself... hmmm, maybe the handicap tag on her license plate means she's mentally disabled! -- FREAKIN IDIOT! =)

Who are these people! dislike them very much!!! =)

Saturday, July 3, 2010


HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY!! This is one of my most favorite holidays... I thank God and our dedicated military for providing us all with these wonderful freedoms. Typically we spend the holiday in Memphis with the family. My Uncle Darryl takes us to the Navy Base for the beautiful firework display and then we spend the rest of the weekend at their pool until night fall and then they set off their own firewords in the neighborhood. It is a lot of fun, because we play washers or cornhole, drink beer, and just visit. Of course my favorite part of the trip is spending time w/ my cousins Savannah & Dalton, because they are getting so big, so fast! Savannah is now ten and Dalton will be eight this winter!! Seems like just yesterday I was carrying around a teeny tiny Savannah, wrapped up in a pink blanket and just loving on her for being the cutest little baby ever-- now she's a TWEEN!!!

This year we didn't go. I kinda miss it, but it's a tough month for me. My cousin Melanie is getting married JULY 17. I am really looking forward to her wedding, but that requires traveling, 2hrs, to Springfield, MO. It's true that 2hrs isn't that long of a trip, but the following week Ryan and I are going to Chicago for his sister's wedding. Yep, I get to meet his family... that is IF he doesn't ditch me after putting up with my family the previous week. =) Then, the following week I (and hopefully Ryan) will be headed down to Memphis for my cousin Dustin's wedding reception. That's three weekends of traveling-- so my family decided not to travel to Memphis for the 4th!! But I'm a bit sad, because Ryan's in Chicago for his cousin's wedding tonight and, although I can hear them, I am not watching fireworks tonight. Oh well... maybe I will see some tomorrow night... I hope you all have a spledidly fun, safe & enjoyable 4th of July!!! GOD BLESS OUR BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY & OUR GIFT OF FREEDOM!!